旅から帰ってしばらくあとに見た夢で、菩薩像のビジョンを見た。ダラムサラのナムギャル寺院に収められている、チベット国宝の「Kyiron Jowo/キロン・ジョオ」菩薩像だ。この像には逸話がある。1959年に亡命された猊下の後を追って、ある高僧がこの美しい像を背負ってインドへ亡命した。像は亡命先の南インドのお寺にしばらく収蔵されていたが、「北に行きたい」と“騒いだ”のだとか。涼しいチベットから来て南インドの暑さが苦手だったからか、猊下のお近くに行きたかったからか。
Sometime after I got back home from this trip, I saw the vision of a bodhisattva; the Kyirong Jowo statue, a Tibetan national treasure, housed in Namgyal Monastery in Dharamsala. There is an interesting anecdote about this statue. A high lama (priest) in Tibet escaped to India carrying this statue to follow HHDL who had fled in 1959. The statue was kept in a monastery in South India for a while, but it is said that it “made a scene” about wanting to go north. Perhaps it did not like the heat of the south, coming from the cool Tibetan climate, or perhaps it wanted to be closer to HHDL. Since it has been moved to HHDL’s personal monastery in Dharamsala, it has never made such a fuss. I have never seen this statue in person, but I shivered at its breathtaking beauty when a friend of mine showed me a photograph. In my vision, children took the hands of the bodhisattva and put them over one of their eyes. I feel this represents that one eye “looks” towards Tibet and the other towards the place where they are exiled to. The statue that “fled” Tibet provides gentle protection for the Tibetan children and continues to connect them with their homeland.