理麻「猊下はよくご自分で“モー”(チベット伝統のサイコロを用いて神託を求めるもの)をなさって、決め事をなさりましたね? 周囲のアドバイスを聞いても最終的にはご自分で考え、ご自分で判断をなさったということですね?」
――わっはっは~、とまた豪快に笑いながら、一部はいくつかのチャリティに寄付し、残りはチャリティ財団(※The Foundation of Universal Responsibility of H.H.The Dalai Lama)の資金にあてたのだという。
――側近が猊下にお茶を持ってきた。猊下は私にもお茶を出すよう指示をし、私に「お茶をどうぞ。ティー!ティー!」と勧めた。そのチャイのおいしかったこと! なんともいえないコクに上品な花の香りが漂い、みごとな味わいだった。
RF: You were enthroned at the age of 15 and became not only a spiritual leader but a political leader of Tibet. Being only a teenager, how did you deal with such an enormous responsibility and pressure?
HHDL: As The 13th Dalai Lama was enthroned at the age of 18, I insisted that I wanted to wait until 18 years old, but I had no choice at the time due to the circumstances in Tibet. For the political decisions that I had to make, I asked everyone for their opinions - not only my teachers and confidants, but the cooks and sweepers too. But in the end I had to make my own decisions.
RF: You often did your own “Mo” (traditional Tibetan divinations using dice). You say that you asked around for advice, but in the end you had to think and decide for yourself, right?
HHDL: Yes, that’s right. Mo was always accurate, so I had a total trust in Mo’s advice, and the result [of trusting in the Mo] led me to have full confidence in my decision making.
— Tibetan Buddhism is a philosophy that is based on highly sophisticated logic and analysis. HHDL sees great value in modern science and has deep knowledge about it. He often says, “Don’t trust what I say just because I am the Dalai Lama. You must analyze it, examine it and find out for yourself.” He also repeats, “If you only pray, things won’t change. You must take action.” On the other hand, for centuries Tibetan culture has honored the non-scientific aspects of life such as “Mo” divination and relying on signs that appear on the surface of a holy lake or in one’s dreams and meditations. I believe that many people in the world are deeply moved and inspired by not only his timeless messages of non-violence, wisdom and compassion, but also his humble attitude towards the unexplainable aspects of phenomena that seem to be larger than our human lives.
RF: When you received the Nobel Peace Prize at the age of 54, I’m certain that you were happy, but did you also feel the extra pressure of responsibility because the world would know more about the Tibet issue?
HHDL: No, not all. It’s because I see myself as a simple Buddhist monk. Nothing more, nothing less. But the fact that they gave me an award makes me think that perhaps they recognized something in what I had done. I remember that right after the ceremony one Indian friend of mine asked me, “What did you do with the money!?” Hahaha!
— HHDL laughed so hard again, and told me that he had donated the prize money to charities and also used it to create a charity organization, The Foundation of Universal Responsibility of H. H. the Dalai Lama.
HHDL: I fled from Tibet to India in 1959, but I’ve kept my spirit as a Tibetan and also the spirits of the Tibetans inside Tibet. If I had stayed in Tibet, I would have become a very narrow-minded Dalai Lama. I always consider myself as a simple human being, and never see myself as special. I don’t think that there is a special barrier between others and me. 7.5 billion human beings in this world are all basically the same human being. This point of view made me free. Having to become a refugee gave me a broader point of view. Tibet experienced tragedy by being invaded by China, but that very tragedy also gave us a true wake-up call. The same thing happened to Tibetan Buddhism. There were so many monks and Tibetans who had memorized all the mantras and prayers, but did not know the meaning of them at all.
— A monk brought tea to HHDL, and he told the monk to offer me one also. “Have some tea! Tea! Tea!” said HHDL. What a cup of tea this was. It was full of an unbelievably elegant floral aroma and definitely the most exquisite milk tea I had ever had in my life!
RF: Your Holiness, now I’m going to ask you about your recent years. You often say, “I have no regrets in life.” If you do not get to return to Tibet in this life time, would you feel guilty about the 6 million Tibetans inside Tibet who have been waiting for your return?
HHDL: No, not all. Even though my physical body is not in Tibet, my messages are there in Tibet. If I had stayed in Tibet I would not have had any freedom, and I couldn’t have done anything for my country. I am not in Tibet physically, but I’ve been with my Tibetan spirit, and my Tibetans in Tibet have been with my spirit. Whether they are Buddhists or not, all Tibetans inside of Tibet fully support me and my messages. Therefore, I absolutely have no regrets.
— 40 minutes had passed, and we were supposed to wrap up a while ago. I stood up to thank him, but HHDL stopped me and said, “Sit! Sit! Finish your tea!” with a radiant smile. I sat down and rushed to drink the delicious tea. Then I presented him my original art for the cover of my book as a humble gift. He walked me to the hallway hand in hand. “Please take good care of yourself and please live for a long, long time, Your Holiness.” I told him. “Thank you, Thank you!” he smiled. Then we saw a group of men in dark suits waiting for an audience in the hallway accompanied by Dr. Lobsang Sangay, the Prime Minister of the Central Tibetan Administration. HHDL’s face suddenly tightened.