I was granted an audience to interview HHDL to produce a picture book about his life. HHDL spoke in his joyous tone, making jokes and springing into laughter.
理麻「猊下はつらい幼少時代を過ごされましたね。夜はベッドで泣いたりされましたか? お母さまに『おうちへ帰りたい』とダダをこねたりなさったのでしょうか?」

HHDL exploding into a wild laughter. He speaks animatedly with infectious humor. The interview proceeded in a peaceful atmosphere from beginning to end.
March 9
At 8:30 AM I arrived at HHDL’s residency where hundreds of people had already lined up for the morning group audiences. I texted the media secretary, and he came out to let me in right away. After walking through the security check-in booth (just like the ones you see at airports) and undergoing a full body check, a security staff meticulously went through my bags. She even opened the lipstick cap to check inside.
When I arrived at the audience room a very tall monk came in and said to me, “Relax” with a sympathetic smile. He was one of the personal attendant-monks who serve HHDL on a daily basis. There is a team of carefully selected monks with a thorough understanding of how to take care of HHDL. I have the impression that they are all physically strong and have gentle personalities.
HHDL came inside after several group audiences in the courtyard, and the media secretary informed HHDL in the hallway, “Your next audience is with Rima Fujita.” “Oh, yes!” I could hear HHDL’s cheerful voice. I greeted him with a kata (a white ceremonial scarf) at the entrance of the room and said, “Your Holiness, I am so happy to see you again!” HHDL took my hand and gave me a glowing smile. He seemed a little tired after the group audiences outside, where he kept standing for a few hours. He wiped his face with a towel, took a deep breath and gave me a cue to start the interview. He then told a secretary to bring all the other secretaries to join. Audiences are usually attended by one secretary. For some reason, the whole team of two attendant-monks, five secretaries and an interpreter were gathered for this interview.
My questions had been narrowed down to four by the media secretary yesterday - one each from HHDL’s childhood, adolescence, middle-age and his later years. At two years old, HHDL was discovered as the reincarnation of the 13th Dalai Lama, and at four years old, he was taken away from his family to live with the austere monks at the “dark and cold” Potala Palace. HHDL describes in his auto-biographies that the monks were so strict that they would punish him even if his mistakes were naturally those of a child.
Rima Fujita (RF): Your Holiness, you had a very difficult childhood. Did you ever cry in bed at night? Did you ever ask your mother to take you back home?
— His answer took me by surprise.
HHDL: My childhood was very happy. My mother was a very compassionate woman. My father had a short temper, but I grew up in a very loving family. Before living at the Potala Palace, I was living at the Norbulingka Palace where my family had lived nearby, so I was able to see them very often. I had no friends of my age. My friends were the cooks in the kitchen and a sweeper. They treated me equally and honestly as a genuine friend. They would get angry with me, they would laugh with me and play with me.
— HHDL’s facial expression began to soften. It is amazing how he can shift his mood instantly. I have seen him do so at my previous audiences with him.
HHDL: They were all adults, but acted like children. We played this game often - we would run and compete to get whatever we had put over there. If it was something like a flower they would say, “Oh, let the Dalai Lama win” and they would let me get it. If it was a cookie, however, they would seriously run and didn’t let me win at all! Ah, hahaha!!!
— HHDL often roars with joyous laughter like a mischievous child, sometimes even sticking his tongue out. It is indeed fascinating that HHDL describes his childhood as a happy one. Has he forgotten the lonely and painful memories, and only remembers the joyful ones? Or does he want this book to share nothing but his happy memories? As HHDL continued telling me funny stories about his childhood, one of the secretaries gave me a cue to move on to the next question. There were several other audiences scheduled after mine, and that made all the secretaries anxious about the time. I was told that, nowadays, one is lucky to have 15 minutes with HHDL as he travels less and the demand on his time is even greater than before.